Coffee Lift Aquatint | Nadia Holcomb

Saturday 4/12    1 PM – 5 PM
Saturday 4/19    1 PM – 5 PM

$120 non-associates / $102 associates ($35 for materials)

Is there room for instant coffee in our lives? Contemporary intaglio printmakers think so. This course will explore the use of instant coffee as an alternative to the traditional sugar lift aquatint technique, a method practiced for centuries to produce painterly areas of tone. Over the course of two sessions, we will use a combination of coffee lift aquatint and drypoint techniques to create a 4×4” etching. Proper inking and printing techniques will be taught on the final day, resulting in dynamic, multi-textured prints. Open shop hours will be available for additional work time between sessions. No previous experience is necessary.

Course Fee


Cancellation Policy


Zak Korf Scholarship

School Programs