The Olive Branch Press is a press for producing professional editions of hand-printed prints and artist books, which are created in our studios for galleries and museums and print/book collectors. We have worked with the following artists: Kumi Korf, Zevi Blum, Buzz Spector, Kay WalkingStick, Peter Jogo, Katherine Anderson, and Maddy Rosenberg.

The formation of this press is based on the establishment of the Olive Press which began in the late 1980’s at Cornell University with two professors Greg Page and Viktor Kord, who published a series of professional publications independent of the university. Greg Page, a founding member of The Ink Shop, encouraged us to continue this legacy through the Olive Branch Press.

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Note: If you are looking for an Olive Branch Press publication not listed here (not related to Printmaking or Art), you may be seeking to contact a different publisher by the same name.

You can find them at:

Interlink Publishing
46 Crosby Street
Northampton, MA 01060-1804
T: (413) 582-7054
Toll Free: 1-800-238-LINK

Buzz Spector – Between the Sheets

The book, "Between the Sheets" was produced by Buzz Spector and The Ink Shop/Olive Branch Press in 2003. Buzz Spector is a well-known and highly respected artist whose published artist books are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modem Art in New York and the Getty Museum in California. The Library of Congress, Washington DC. and Cleveland Museum of Art...

Kay WalkingStick – Blame the Mountains

In her work, Kay develops visual ideas about the metaphorical aspects of the Earth. Through frequent journeys to Rome, she continues to explore these tropes by incorporating figures in her drawings and paintings - her characteristic abstract landscape paintings have become a stand-in for her own body. Her forceful, erotic, sometimes frightening figures, be they classical Greek and Roman ones or the North American KokopellL depict psychological states. Mountains in their skyward thrust embody chthonic energy, permanence and sacred space...

Maddy Rosenberg – Dystopia

Dystopia is a voyage to a town that exists as only an amalgam of other places. This town plays across the picture plane, appearing flat. Skewed perspectives are seen around street corners, through building cracks, and beneath archways; any sense of real space is inverted. Open the cover and a three dimensional city emerges, unfolds, and metamorphoses. You can read Dystopia conventionally, page by page ar pull it into your space and watch the buildings stretch and pop up across the surface. Then wander through streets constructed from bits and pieces of sepia-colored, historical Prague, Paris, London, and New York. The eclectic assemblage of buildings creates a feeling of desertion with only a glimpse of a human shadow in this carved city...

Peter Jogo – Song of Route 83 II

"Song of Route 83 II" was produced by Peter Jogo for The Ink Shop Printmaking Center and Olive Branch Press in 2008. The publication price for editions numbers 1 - 10 is $200. The price for edition numbers 11 - 20 is $250, for edition numbers 21 - 30 is $300, and for edition numbers 31 - 40 is $350...

Kumi Korf – Letters to the Planet

This edition was produced by Kumi Korf and the Olive Branch Press, as a triptych in intaglio with chine coll. Each edition is assembled in a cloth-bound portfolio with a title page and colophon. The post-publication price is $2500 for the three, and $800 per print...

Some of these publications are now in the following collections:

Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca
Zolla-Lieberman Gallery, Chicago
School of Art of the Institute of Chicago Library, Chicago
British Library, London, UK
University of Delaware Library
Tate Modern Gallery Library, London, UK
Getty Research Institute, Santa Monica, CA
Bibliotheque nationale de France
Yale University Library
Museum of Contemporary Photograpghy, Chicago
Tom Levine, NY
Washington University Libraries
Indiana Unviersity Fine Arts Library
Skillman Library at Lafayette College, PA
Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Kindred Spirits Gallery, OR
Mycotaxon Art Collection
Interior Design Firm in Tokyo, Japan
Johnson Art Museum, Cornell University, Ithaca