Kaleb Hunkele
Current Kahn Family Fellow
Kaleb Hunkele is an artist working in printmaking, painting, and experimental animation/film. Pattern, simple lines, text, color and modest materials are central to his practice.
Kaleb received his MFA from Cornell University, and also studied film and animation at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington and as a Fulbright Scholar to Estonia.

The Kahn Family Fellowship, in memory of our colleague Peter Kahn, is designed to offer opportunities to artists seeking further experience and professional development in printmaking and book arts, and is available to artists with postgraduate degrees in printmaking or book arts locally, nationally or internationally. The Fellow is given the privileges of a Printmaker Associate, including unlimited access to the studio to produce their own work, a stipend, the possibility of teaching workshops, and editioning for others on a fee basis, and will have a solo show here at The Ink Shop for the month of June.