If you are interested in applying for an internship or need more information, please feel free to contact us via email or phone. Thank you!
Positions still available…apply now!
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Guidelines and Application
High School or College Internships usually last 3 – 6 months, and are unpaid and are intended for artists who are enrolled in fine arts programs locally, regionally, or nationally who wish to acquire further experience in printmaking and/or book arts. An intern may assist with printing editions, publications, marketing and publicity, graphic design, web-site development, shop operations, gallery projects, workshop preparations, etc. All interns are given the opportunity to take one free workshop. Please call or email ( if you are interested in becoming an intern.

Materials for submission:
- is this internship for credit/non-credit*
- a current resume
- a list art courses you have taken: include any printmaking background. Other information like graphic design, other art, or computer skills are also helpful
- a portfoilo of work: as a pdf, image attachments via email, dropbox submission or a link to a website
** in addition, if you are wanting to do internships for credit please make the arrangments with your school. You need to have approvoal from your school to work our hours needed and supervision
*** if you want to apply for a later time than the one listed here, please state what internship you are interested in
For-credit internships
The Ink Shop arranges unpaid, for-credit internships with a hosting college or university, for 1 – 3 credits, depending on the student’s interest. A faculty member must act as a sponsor and sign the necessary paperwork. The Ink Shop will discuss with the student the specific tasks he/she will be doing during the internship. The Ink Shop will arrange with the student a set schedule of hours per week he/she will intern, and progress reports are made once or twice during the duration of the internship.
For non-credit internships
The Ink Shop offers students to also intern as unpaid volunteers for a negotiated amount of time. The Ink Shop expects a regular commitment on the part of the student, setting a weekly schedule with our staff.